Kristiansand, Stavanger, Oslo, TrondheimExhibitions


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Unfortunately the event has already ended.

KROHNE is pleased to welcome you to the VA Messene 2024 in Kristiansand, Stavanger, Oslo and Trondheim! We look forward to your visit!

VA trade fairs 2024

Welcome to Norway's largest industry meeting for the water and sewerage industry.

The focus will be on the latest news in products and technology, new knowledge, expertise and expert talks with suppliers. Take the opportunity to network and chat with industry colleagues.

This year, the VA fairs are being organised in these cities:

Kristiansand, Gimlehallen - 5 March at 07.30-15.00

Stavanger, Stavanger Forum - 7 March at 07.30-15.00

Oslo, Nova Spektrum - 12 March at 07.30-15.00

Trondheim, Trygg/Lade hall - 14 March at 07.30-15.00

Admission is free for all pre-registered industry professionals.

Breakfast and lunch will be served, and there are good parking facilities at all four fairs.

Feel free to drop by our stand for a friendly chat about overflow, zone water and other applications and solutions.

VA-messene 2024

Velkommen til Norges største bransjetreff for VA.

Det vil være fokus på de siste nyhetene innen produkter og teknologi, ny kunnskap, kompetanse og fagsamtaler med leverandører. Benytt anledning til nettverksbygging og faglig prat med bransjekolleger.

VA-messene arrangeres i år i disse byene:

Kristiansand, Gimlehallen – 5. mars kl. 07.30-15.00

Stavanger, Stavanger Forum – 7. mars kl. 07.30-15.00

Oslo, Nova Spektrum – 12. mars kl. 07.30-15.00

Trondheim, Trygg/Lade hallen – 14. mars kl. 07.30-15.00

Det er gratis inngang for alle forhåndsregistrerte bransjefolk.

Det blir servert frokost og lunsj, og det er gode parkeringsmuligheter ved alle de fire messene.

Kom gjerne innom vår stand for en hyggelig fagprat om overløp, sonevann og andre applikasjoner og løsninger.

Les mer, og registrer deg som deltaker, her:

Event information

Mar 5-14, 2024

Industry areas
Water & Wastewater industry


Inlets and outlets for flow measurements remain a hot issue: many applications do not offer the appropriate installation conditions to maintain the recommended or required straight inlet and outlet runs. KROHNE presents the appropriate "0D/0D portfolio" for this purpose, consisting of the WATERFLUX water meter, the OPTIFLUX for wastewater, and the AF-E 400 for auxiliary and supply circuits, which can be used without straight inlet and outlet sections.


Complete portfolio for volume flow, mass flow, density and concentration measurement

  • Wide selection of measuring principles

  • For liquids, gases and steam

  • For basic to very advanced process applications, CT measurements, hygienic applications and Safety Instrumented Systems

Coriolis mass flowmeters

For all process and custody transfer (CT) applications

  • Mass, volume flow and temperature measurement of liquids and gases, density and concentration measurement of liquids

  • Secure wireless access via Bluetooth®, even in safety-related applications

  • With Entrained Gas Management (EGM™): Maintains operation over a wide range of gas volume fractions, even up to 100%, and complex flow conditions

Level transmitters

For continuous level and interface measurement – contact and non-contact

  • Various technologies: FMCW radar, TDR guided radar, ultrasonic, displacer, potentiometric, hydrostatic pressure

  • For process and storage applications with liquids and solids

  • Meet the requirements of various industries

Pressure transmitters

For absolute, gauge and differential pressure measurement

  • From entry level ultra-compact to advanced process pressure transmitters

  • For a broad range of applications, with metallic and ceramic sensors

  • Full compliance with hygienic, marine, hazardous area and safety related (SIL) applications

Analytical sensors and measuring systems

For a wide range of analytical parameters

  • For pH, ORP, conductivity, TSS, dissolved oxygen, free chlorine, chlorine dioxide and ozone, sludge level, turbidity or multiparameter applications

  • From sensors with integrated transmitter to modular panels for liquid analytical measurements

  • For any industrial requirements – from hazardous areas to hygienic environments
