Webinar series on plant safety in the process industry to continue after the summer break

  • 16 live sessions from April to October on the topics of Occupational & Process Safety, Functional Safety, Cyber Security and Explosion protection
  • All previous webinars available as free on-demand videos

KROHNE presents a webinar series on safety solutions: As chemical, oil & gas and conventional power plants and processes become more complex, the need to protect people, the environment and equipment has become more diverse.

The webinar series launched on April 18 and will feature 16 live dates in multiple languages for all time zones through the end of October 2023.

Further down on the same webpage, all previous webinars are also available as free on-demand videos.

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KROHNE is a global manufacturer and provider of process instrumentation, measurement solutions and services in many industries. Founded in 1921 and headquartered in Duisburg, Germany, KROHNE has over 4,100 employees and offers extensive application knowledge and local contacts for instrumentation projects in over 100 countries. KROHNE stands for innovation and highest product quality and is one of the market leaders in process industry.